Your awesome post might help to explain why, despite Brexit having taken place in the name of sovereignty, I see most of the absurd policies advocated inside of the EU, using similar pseudo arguments, also in the UK.

It looks like something else, not only other than and above the citizens, but also something other than and above the EU as well as above individual countries inside and outside the EU, is in charge.

While Brexit was necessary, it was by no means sufficient.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by David Thunder

David, I hadn't thought before about the importance of imagination and story-telling in those areas. Thank you.

I prefer not giving clicks to YouTube when possible. So was glad to find you've also put this talk up on Rumble. : https://rumble.com/v3eojxk-debunking-the-false-narrative-of-the-sovereign-people.html

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by David Thunder

Thank you for sharing and I am so pleased you made it over there to speak and participate 😊🙏

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“As long as there is centralized democracy or centralized governance, that is inherently disabling and it is inherently disempowering.”

I love it when the wisdom of the founders of the USA is rediscovered. They saw the need for, and embedded in the constitution, the principle that the central government be strictly constrained to only those functions that the various states in the union could not themselves undertake. Decentralization was one of their guiding principles.

Of course, we have seen that their vision was but a noble dream of which the American people were not worthy, as the principle was not only abandoned but actively subverted almost right from the start.

And now we are on the brink of tyranny at the hands of faceless, criminal, unelected oligarchs who have seized the apparatus of government, exactly as the founding fathers of this country foresaw would happen.

The moral of the story is this: it doesn’t matter how well-designed the system of government is (that of the USA was brilliant) or what particular “-ism” a people adopts. The trajectory of the civilization is strongly and inseparably linked to the moral fiber of the “man in the street”. It’s not a bad system of government that has wrecked the USA (although we have ended up there), it’s moral weakness: selfishness, civic indolence and the mistaken belief that the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of money above all else are synonymous.

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