Those questions are much too astute and fact-based. What about "I trust Pfauci!" as a rubric? If I cannot wear a mask in my car, alone, with hand sanitizer at-the-ready, life ain't worth living!

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Crikey. Is number seven really what is happening?! They're just not looking for, or reporting AEs in that time frame? If so, that is absolutely unconscionable. Criminal.

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In the reports I’ve seen, that info is omitted, yes.

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Truly unbelievable.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by David Thunder

Quick typo heads-up - I think you meant throwing "overboard" in no 3?

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Well spotted! Corrected

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Yes, and that is when the majority of vaccine-induced deaths occur (in >65s: 50% of death reports within 48 hrs, 80% within 1 week, 90% within 2 weeks, 100% within 3-4 weeks). Worse, in many reports written, the hospitalisations and deaths occurring after 1 dose or before 14 days after second dose, are lumped by definition into the 'unvaccinated' category. This is how they build their false narrative that hospitalisation rates are higher in the 'unvaccinated'. They are just including all the vaccine-induced hospitalisation (mainly from cardiovascular and thrombotic events) in the 'unvaccinated' category by using definitions that suit their false narrative. Pure deception.

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The depths that they will plumb. Indescribable malfeasance.

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