The last 3 years have been an eye-opener for me. Our most fundamental freedoms are being curtailed or replaced with some second-rate surrogate in the name of protection from prefabricated fears of the most ludicrous kind.

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This sounds terrible... wow

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Thanks for getting the word out! This commission will become the sole arbiters of the truth! Sadly there are just way too many people and organizations trying to play God these days. Over 11,000 Twitter accounts were suspended during the pandemic and many were throttled or shadow banned. Well qualified medical professionals canceled because they had a different opinion? Unprecedented collusion with USA law enforcement government departments and officials too. Modern day McCarthyism?

Fact, checkers did not do so well during the pandemic, who were basically using opinions to prove their points. Paid for largely by people an agenda. Facebook fact checkers even admitted in court they used opinions as facts as a defense—that then got them off.

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The public gets the politicians they deserve. Unfortunately. But we need to keep talking and communicating and pushing back all the time forever...

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