Just today, playing golf with conservative older friends. One describes his nurse daughter’s traumatic week. 31 yo male friend, husband/father, falls over suddenly of heart attack/failure. They revive him briefly but he dies on way to the hospital. Friend says docs diagnosed a “genetic aortic flaw” that led to sudden failure. Yeah. How much of this do we really have to see? How many deaths is enough? I sadly tend to agree with the TheArchitect that nothing will wake these people up, nothing at all.

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This is THE overarching issue come Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Unless it is addressed, all other issues do not have a chance of being resolved.

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Should the increased roll out of 5G networks be given serious consideration as a contributary factor? The Covid era has laid bare just how much elite special interest groups have corrupted scientific research and the authorities tasked with protecting public health. Previous assurances that there is no risk now seem all the more weak.


"The lack of proper unbiased risk evaluation of the 5G technology places populations at risk. Furthermore, there seems to be a cartel of individuals monopolizing evaluation committees, thus reinforcing the no-risk paradigm. We believe that this activity should qualify as scientific misconduct."

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Think msm & politicotards will ever acknowledge this preplanned, premeditated GENOCIDE?

No chance. No Way. No How.

Thank you Mr. T for your incisive & always excellent articles.

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