I imagine that both of your explanations (lust for power and Big Pharma) are part of it. But then there's another thing. You set a task for a bureaucracy. In this case, it would be something like "stop SARS‐CoV‐2 from circulating." Then the bureaucracy comes up with a method to do it. In this case, mass vaccination. Then it turns out that the original goal is unachievable. So what's a bureaucracy to do? Why, substitute the method for the goal! Sure, the virus gonna virus (as Alex B. likes to say). But we sure can force the deplorables to be injected!

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Our marvellous Lehendakari (Regional Government President) of the Basque Regional Government in Spain feels that enforced vaccination (seriously, get held down by police and forcibly innoculated) should not be on the cards yet due to the high vaccine uptake among the Basque population.

Stunning that we have reached this point where we are considering this, when on top of the moral aspects, the vaccines are presenting serious concerns worldwide leading to the partial ban of their usage among certain age groups.

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