Thank you for this, David! Given the fact that the two forms of governance - voluntary / individualist v collectivist - can never be reconciled, does it make sense to force one to obey the other via the mob rule we call 'democracy,' (constantly arguing to convince the 51st person to make a 'majority' that rules the other 49 until the next time,) or to consider a split? To 'allow' (by whose decree?) the authoritarians and authoritarian followers to exist within the use of force, threats, fear and coercion form of governance, while those preferring to live through voluntary agreement, cooperation, and peace be 'allowed' to do so, as well? And how would that come into being? In my view, we've had the former my entire life in the US even if we've been trained to call it 'freedom and democracy.' It's veered way off path into what I'd call totalitarianism at this point with the introduction of 'covid' via what I view as psychological operations (or 'behavioral science') where people are actually clamoring for it, so a case could be made that it is 'voluntary,' though some portion of us will never agree to. What of us? Concentration / 'reeducation' camps, again? It's been this way throughout history - this constant clamoring to impose threats and fear as a way to 'rule' ALL - perhaps it is time to consider another approach. It is one mental 'illness' to wish to use force, threats and fear to rule over all, and another to want to live under it (sadism, masochism, psychopaths, codependents.) Should this be 'allowed' to be imposed over all? How do we stop it?

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Thanks Susan. Yes, I've heard people suggest this - one philosopher, Nozick, does talk about "utopian" experiments in voluntary communities. I think Texas and Florida are much less restrictive, if I am not mistaken, regarding Covid measures, and people are flocking there, apparently. The problem is, much of the Western world is closing ranks and the relatively centralised governmental system means there is little escape, other than Sweden and a few American States (though quite a few, from what I can gather!). In a truly decentralised and highly federated system, territorial communities could go very different directions. Right now, many of the Covid measures are pretty much enforced at the discretion of local regional governments in Spain, even though it is a very Statist culture in other respects. Madrid is currently one of the few places where there is a philosophy of restraint in closing businesses, and where - for now at least - there is no governmental enforcement of vax passes in hospitality venues. So that is an interesting example...

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David, you are making me cry. 😥 But thanks for your continued emotional support. There are others too who help me to retain my sanity through these incredibly difficult times, and I'm so grateful.

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Thanks Louise - yes, we in the minority who think this is crazy, definitely need support to retain our sanity and emotional balance! No question about it.

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Hi David, you are doing outstanding work. Thank you.

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Thanks a lot Ryan!

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