Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

THis has been coming for a long time. For example I get a direct deposit of SSI. They don't want to mail me a check. I am going to try to get them to.

At anytime they can say I no longer exist. They have no record of my existence, etc. The banks can say I no longer exist. That the paper trail I provide is fraudulent as they have no record of my existence.

This can happen to little people. Because we have no power to compel them to go to court. Nor can we afford to take them to court.

Then I am on the street. It doesn't matter I have paid in to SSI for 40+ years. I don't exist. I have never had a SarCov2 Jab. No record. I am a non person. This nightmare is just around the corner. It isn't the Taliban it is the religious mafia. Same as in the middle ages.

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With the recent Supreme Court decision allowing the Christian graphic artist to choose who they would do business with and who they would not, based on their personal beliefs. How then could this decision transfer to institutions like banks? I understand that the graphic artist in question here is a small business not publicly traded, and the banks are just the opposite, but it does not seem like much of a stretch to see the same rationale used for corporations. I remember signs in many places (small business') stating that they reserved the right to refuse to serve anyone for any reason. Thanks.

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This happened to me, in 2015 to 2016 period. In Ireland. All my accounts closed over a few months, then my partners. A business with a substantial turnover closed overnight. Then any subsequent business we set up we couldn't get accounts for. We sought legal help and were told banks are private entities and can do what they like.

Now live off grid and my political views are stronger then ever. The government is a rogue entity and needs to be destroyed. The idea that they can crush peoples lives like this is an abomination. And its coming for everyone. Start preparing, those who know saw this coming from years ago. Didn't need someone like Farage to inform me. Try Ted K.... :)

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Your statement regarding Paypal "briefly" introducing a policy authorizing it to close the accounts of customers it found guilty of “misinformation" is not true. That policy is still in effect. Even the article you linked to says so.

Many people (especially journalists) were fooled when the news first came out and Paypal reacted by supposedly pulling back or cancelling this policy. Yet those of us paying attention looked at the terms and conditions issued after this supposed cancellation only to find that the misinformation hammer was still in there. Most journalists never updated their articles to state that Paypal still had this policy in effect after all.

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Thank you for pointing this out. All the media was reporting it was withdrawn. I will look into this and make the correction.

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I just came across this piece claiming Paypal did not reinstate the policy. Do you have another source showing the policy is still in place?


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Review the Paypal User Agreement, under "Restricted Activities, Holds, and Other Actions We May Take." Under subheading "Restricted Activities," the agreement states "In connection with your use of our websites, your PayPal account, the PayPal services, or in the course of your interactions with PayPal, other PayPal customers, or third parties, you must not:..."

"Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information..."

Never trust what a mainstream media report claims regarding a corporate or government policy, especially one that tries to limit rights to free speech or other rights. Another example besides the Paypal one is when gas stoves were discussed as being banned--the mainstream media parroted the government and politicians' claims that this was false, etc. when in fact, behind the scenes, a government agency was seeking to that the very gas-stove ban that the media denied was taking place.

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Thanks David! Brilliant post. The Title is Magnificent!

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