the intense focus on controlling infection rates is a direct result of creating total dependance on the medical branch of the machine world.

"As a herbalist when I look on the miracle of modern medicine I also see the subscription base, how it's moved beyond the ability to navigate our own health in the best possible way and moved towards dependancy. And now inching towards a reward based subscription. Only the good girl who prays to the right party gets her medicine. How often the life saving procedure is reliant on forever being able to purchase a drug. Our father who art in science, give us our daily prescription. "

excerpt taken from my substack:


its following the same very profitable model of big agro and big banking. we are enslaved, those of us who are most enslaved are told that we are the freest while being shown how primitives and uncivilized are slaves to nature. its so fucked up.

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It's not disease control. It's class war. You've fallen for the ruse, as most others have.

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