1 Comment
Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

The idea that someone should only interview a guest who is right is not reasonable. (Chances are, it's impossible too because everyone is going to be a bit wrong about at least something.) We can learn something interesting from people who are wrong. The most extreme example I have of that is from South African cartoonist and podcaster Jerm Warfare. He spoke of the time he interviewed a fellow who believes the Earth is flat. Now, unless there is some vast global conspiracy to hoodwink us all, the flat Earther is no doubt wrong. But why not interview him? Why not learn where he's coming from? Jerm said that by the end of the interview, he still didn't know whether the guy was serious or was pranking people. When I get around to watching the interview, I can't imagine I'll convert to flat-Earthism, but I bet I'll have some new insight into how people like the interviewee think. That alone is worth something.

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