As a rule we think too highly of doctors and they certainly think too highly of themselves. They are mere technicians, not philosophers, theologians, or scientists. The average engineer has far more scientific sense than do MDs.

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I had a conversastion with someone today on this topic. His theory is that in addition to the mass formation psychosis that affects people's ability to behave rationally and does not depend on their intellect or experience (and so includes medical professionals just as much as anyone else), he suggested that a large part of the pro-vax ideology is based on decades of conditioning that vaccines in general are "safe and effective". Inevitably, no-one is more indoctrinated in this than the doctors and nurses who routinely administer them! They are being advised that the mRNA therapeutics are "vaccines" and that they too are "safe and effective". They simply do not disassociate them from all the others. There is a substantial psychological weight burdening medical professionals, so much so that those who are aware of the mass psychosis are probably wise to the fact that they are far from the best qualified to opine on the matter!

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Thank you for this article. This is very enlightening. This makes it even more clear that the pro-vaccine people are not really reading the science. Rather, they are basing their opinions on peer pressure and the media rather than the facts.

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You apparently discovered and/or confirmed that Recency Bias and the Availability Heuristic can affect doctors and nurses just as deeply as it does everyone else. Amazing times ahead!

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la clase medica ha desistido de cualquier racionalidad en todo esto, se basan en el principio de autoridad a pesar de que, como bien dices, en su mayoria no tienen conocimiento profesional de virologia o inmunologia. mucho menos aun de biologia molecular para entender lo que estan inyectando o por que lo hacen. se niegan tambien a ver la estrepitosa falta de funcionalidad de estos medicamentos geneticos, y peor aun, a reconocer los daños que estan causando, algunos muy graves. se limitan al pensamiento de grupo, son obedientes y a menudo estan fuertemente ideologizados en el colectivismo. se han constituido en una parte fundamental del problema.

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I wonder whether these same doctors and nurses would be happier if hospitals were overwhelmed from vaccine injuries and all the late-stage diseases that have popped up because hospitals focused almost exclusively on coronavirus for almost two years.

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Might I also suggest that the Semmelweis Reflex is in effect here. Doctors have a long history of denial of Iatrogenic illness, and shooting messengers like you.


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On the rare occasion that I visit a doctor (I dislike the profession greatly, having worked with them), I diagnose myself first then if they come to the same diagnosis I accept it. If not, I seek a second opinion. They are good only for broken bones and internal problems they can see on an x-ray or scan, eg tumours, arthritis, etc. Anything they can’t see, forget it. And a lot of them, especially consultants, have a God-complex, which is why doctors dabbling in politics never has a good outcome, as we are witnessing. This is not to say there aren’t good doctors, there are. But they’re hard to find these days as they get all the empathy beaten out of them during their medical training.

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thanks Thunder, your writing as 'an intelligent and well-read individual who has learnt from experts' hits the mark again.

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